
Showing posts from February, 2023

Sitting still

 Doing this "sitting still" activity was a lot more different and difficult than I thought. I noticed at first, it was hard to focus on my breathing as well as keeping my thoughts clear. I constantly kept thinking of schoolwork and other life obstacles that was been eating away at me. It took me a few times until I was able to only think about my breathing. Once I focused on only my breathing, I was slowly able to pay attention to my surroundings. I noticed the warmth on my leg was slightly warmer than the rest of my body, as the sunlight was coming in from the window. I never noticed it before, but I can feel my chest and shoulders rising and falling as I was breathing. I noticed the smell of the fruity air freshener that was plugged into my living room. It smelled stronger the more I focused on it. I then notice how I can hear the busy street coming from my window. The cars using their breaks, the cars accelerating, and the people's conversation as they walk pass my win