
Showing posts from January, 2023

Online Classes

Starting college, I never thought I would be taking online courses. Before covid, I always had an image in my head of attending all of my classes in person and that online classes were just for people who had families and/or had a full-time job. I think the past me hated online classes as I didn't know how to manage my time with assignments and studying. It was until my second year of college, that I started learning how to balance my online classes. My first year of college I was attending Winona State University with all of my classes online, that I took from home because I didn't see the point in staying on campus if I was just going to be in my room most of the time. It was a hard first year as it was not what I expected college to be. I then transferred here, to NDSU, to get a fresh start in fall of 2021.  By that time, I was able to take in-person classes and 1 or 2 online classes. Disciplining myself to have a schedule was hard but definitely worth it. I made sure to hav


 Hello, my name is Hope Herr. I am a junior at North Dakota State University and my major is accounting. My first year of college I had no idea what I wanted to do in my life. I first went into nursing, then computer science. I'm not sure if Covid-19 ruined my experience with my classes for those majors but I felt like it didn't fit me. For a while, I was panicking as to what I should choose next as my major. I was scared that I wouldn't be able to find a career for me. I was making a list of subjects I like to do in school and math was always one of my favorites. That is how I came across accounting. To this day, I'm still not sure what exact job I am looking in the job market. My intermediate accounting professor has brought this up in class the other day and I am hoping that this semester I can find a few careers that I may be interested in.                                                                                      Some things that I am planning to do this