Self-Care Routine

 My self-care routine consists of many different things that all comes together to make me feel better. I love sharing my routine as well as listening about other people's self-care routine. Everyone has a different way of doing their self-care routine and by sharing them you can help others find that self-care. 

One big thing for my self-care routine is keeping my room clean. My room is my personal space that I'm mostly in for a big chunk of the day. I play video games, read my books, study and do homework in my room, that if it's messy I can't wind down or focus on my studies. Of course, I'm just like any other person that eventually my room will be messy from time to time, but picking up my room or making my bed goes a long way for my mental health. It helps me be much more productive and make my mind more at ease.

My second big self-care routine is making a list of assignments to work on or materials I need to study for the week. This helps me keep track of what I need to be working on each day to get these assignments turned in on time. When having this list, it's easy to see my priorities and I feel accomplished when checking them off. This is great for my mental health, as I am getting my schoolwork done. I'm not perfect and sometimes a few assignments slip through the cracks, but I always try to get them done the best I can.

My third big self-care routine is making sure I have time to wind down each night. I don't have a set time that I usually stop doing assignments or studying, but it all depends on how much work I need to get done that day. This helps me relax and just put my schoolwork on a pause to focus on my interests. Each night is different, sometimes I start a new book that I've had for a while and just haven't gotten to it yet. Or sometimes I play video games and just go through social media. This makes me less stressed of worrying that I don't have any time for myself.

Those are a few of my biggest self-care routines that I do nearly every day. As I said, everyone has their own routine that fits their schedule. This routine works bests for me and my schedule. I'm happy to share this with you and I hope maybe you can try these out for yourself as well.
