Overview on Blog Assignments

When first being assigned to write blogs every other week I thought it would be an interesting assignment because it's not an assignment where you needed to research or look for the correct answers. It was mostly based on our own experience and thoughts that we had on the topic we were answering. This kind of gave me a break of the actual book stuff we had to do for other assignment in this class and rather looking deeper of how I felt during this time when answering the topic of discussion. 

When starting theses blog assignments, I thought some of them were hard to answer, but once I thought deeper about the topic of the blog, I was able to think carefully of what I wanted to say along with important details I wanted to express. This gives me a better understanding on how to elaborate my inside thoughts into words in the blog. I think I would have enjoyed more of these blogs if there were more options of the questions we can answer. Topics like "Who is the person you look up to most? and why?" or another quick small activity like "Sitting Still" sensory activity we had to do for the blog assignment.

One thing that I didn't like about the blog assignments were that they had to be a certain length. I understand that these are assignments, and the Professor wants to make sure we have thought through these questions hard enough to answer them, but I'm not a strong writer and so it's a little frustrating when it takes me longer than I wanted to do these assignments. I also understand that in the future there may be questions or prompt I would have to answer and so I'm glad I still did them as it helped improved writing skills.

I can see how this can be used in a company setting. I feel like this would be a very fun and cool thing to do in the office, where every week there will be a fun prompt or questions to answer and there will be a platform where everyone can see each other's answer (if they wanted to). There would be no length requirement and it could be as deep or simple as you want it to be. I feel like this would be a great way to share different ideas or self-improvement that others can try for themselves. I feel like this would also be a great way to have a little break from work.

I can also see this being used for yourself. I feel like there are many different types of blogging you can do. Such as blogging on your hobbies, your ever day routine, your work life, etc. I think this could benefit you in many ways as you can express your feelings and can talk about the struggles or positive impacts it may have on you. One of the best things is that you can decide if you want to share your thoughts and experience with other people or you can keep it to yourself.

Overall, I think these blog assignments were fun and interesting. They helped me look deeper into myself and will definitely help me in the future.
