
Showing posts from March, 2023

Course objective

For this blog post I want to talk about time management in the course objective. I think that this objective is an important life skill whether it's in school, at work, or even in your everyday life. It's about making sure that you are planning ahead to get the assignments done on time. This will put you in a good habit of self-discipline as well as good organizational skills. I think that my time management skills have gotten a lot better over this semester. I know that it's become a habit that at the beginning of the week I make sure to take some time and go over all the assignments that are due for this week and sometimes even the following week to make sure I have enough time to complete these assignments. I know there are times where I push an assignment to do last minute, just simply because I didn't feel like doing them. That is something that I will need to work on.

First Accounting Club Meeting

When attending my first accounting club meeting, there were a couple of guest speaker that came from Minneapolis to talk about what they do as a public accountant. I was excited to hear about their hands on experience and seeing where they started and where they are now.  As the meeting started, we had a list of questions for each speaker to answer one by one. I like how I was able to see how each of them had a similar yet different background from starting college to starting their careers after graduating. They talked about programs that helped them study for the CPA (Certified Public Accountants) exam and how they had different study habits based on their schedules. They also mentioned that most employers will help with the cost of covering the programs to take your CPA exam as they can be very expensive.  Also, in the way they spoke, it was reassuring that the feeling of being lost right now was okay and that we will soon, in our own pace, would figure out what exactly we would wan

Self-Care Routine

 My self-care routine consists of many different things that all comes together to make me feel better. I love sharing my routine as well as listening about other people's self-care routine. Everyone has a different way of doing their self-care routine and by sharing them you can help others find that self-care.  One big thing for my self-care routine is keeping my room clean. My room is my personal space that I'm mostly in for a big chunk of the day. I play video games, read my books, study and do homework in my room, that if it's messy I can't wind down or focus on my studies. Of course, I'm just like any other person that eventually my room will be messy from time to time, but picking up my room or making my bed goes a long way for my mental health. It helps me be much more productive and make my mind more at ease. My second big self-care routine is making a list of assignments to work on or materials I need to study for the week. This helps me keep track of what